العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية في اوكرانيا – العلاج الخلوي و الطب التجديدي



Parkinson’s disease

The main disturbance of the patient with Parkinson’s disease is everyday helplessness. The patients feel shaking hands, that increases during the emotional feelings and disappears during the accurate targeted actions and also while sleeping. These lead to the problems with accurate movement – difficulties in buttoning, eating and walking. Handwriting starts to change (decrease of letters).

The aim of the disease is the peculiar subcortical structure – subtantia nigra, that is responsible for the production of the very important hormone – dopamine.

Diagnostics. Examination by the experienced neurologist plays a very important role in the diagnostics of the disease. Instrumental methods are considered to be the additional ones.

Today, stem cell therapy is the only one alternative to conservative methods of Parkinson’s disease treatment. It is the only one chance to minimize the use of medications and provide long-term effect and improvement of patient’s life quality.

The use of stem cells allows restore injured areas of brain and normalize the producing of dopamine – the main reason of Parkinson’s disease.

The course of treatment of Parkinson’s disease

in our medical center lasts 5 days. At the preparatory stage an experienced neurologist confirms the diagnosis; the patient has procedures with rehabilitologist and osteopathic doctor; physiotherapy and Re-Oxy therapy (so-called “breathing gymnastics” – imitation of highlands) are conducted.

After the preparation, the infusion of pluripotent (multifunctional) fetal stem cells intravenously and injection of fetal brain cells into biologically active spots are conducted.

The patient receives recommendations and at the monitoring stage stays in contact with us to minimize the dose of medications.

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