العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية في اوكرانيا – العلاج الخلوي و الطب التجديدي


Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

The main symptoms:

weakness and numbness in feet, mostly in legs; staggering gait; decrease or loss of vision of one of the eyes; disorders of urination and defecation.


  • Complex vertebral neurological examination (the affection of few centers of the brain of spinal cord are revealed (reduced vision, hands weakness, feet numbness)

  • MRI of the brain and spinal cord with the use of contrast  (gives an opportunity to visualize the centers of  neural tissue affection)


  1. Preparatory stage – methods of regenerative medicine. At this stage classical methods are used (plasmapheresis, corticosteroids, interferons). The stage is carried out after the MRI because the use of regenerative therapy in the active course is contraindicated.

  2. Regenerative therapy – the use of several types of stem cells, pluripotent (multifunctional) stem cells of the embryo liver, which form new blood vessels that will improve the supply of the affected areas of the nervous system; fetal brain cells to regenerate the affected areas of the nervous system.

  3. Supporting stage – certain drug therapy needed for the period of stem cells effect is prescribed for the patient.

Prognosis: decrease of all the initial complaints (decrease of numbness, improvement of gait and vision); in case of keeping the recommendations – significant increase of the period of remission

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