العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية في اوكرانيا – العلاج الخلوي و الطب التجديدي

Liver diseases

Liver diseases

The liver is one of the most important organs of the body, and the largest organ in the human body and liver functions a variety of different, including the manufacture of yellow, which helps in the process of digestion, and transforms food to energy, and purifies the blood of toxins has been found many diseases that would Can cause damage to this important organ. Among the most important causes of these diseases are viruses of hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, while other liver diseases are caused by toxins, alcohol or dru

The main symptoms: unmotivated weakness, deviation of sleep, skin itching, dry mouth, bitter taste, skin changes – paleness, yellowness, pigmented spots, vascular “stars”, discomfort in the right hypochondrium, disorders of digestion. But the liver diseases are often without symptoms.
The advanced symptoms are:

(Yellowing of the skin and eyes) jaundice

Swollen legs, ankles and feet due to fluid accumulation

Abdominal swelling due to fluid buildup

Fever and rashes

Severe itching in the skin

Hair loss

An abnormal biting at the ends of fingers and nails

Red patches on the palm of the hand

Significant body weight loss

Weakness and lack of muscle mass

Confusion and problems in memory and sleep, and changes in personality due to accumulation of toxins in the brain

Bloody vomiting and black-tar feces due to internal hemorrhage

A tendency towards bleeding and the appearance of bruising easily, such as recurrent bleeding of the nose and gums

Excessive sensitivity to alcohol and medications, because the liver can not properly handle metabolism of these substances

Diagnostics : examination of liver ferments of blood, specific antibodies to hepatitis and structural changes of the liver by the fiberscan.

Treatment of liver diseases in our stem cell center

Treatment at our center is done on 3 stages

  • Detoxification (plasmapheresis, drug therapy with the participation of hepatologist, therapist, endocrinologist, neurologist and other specialists if needed). The stage prepares the body to the injection of stem cells.

  • Regenerative (cell) therapy – multifunctional pluripotent stem cells from the liver of the embryo; placenta cells to improve the immune system; special cells of different organs depending on the complications.

  • Distant monitoring  – periodic monitoring of the liver ferments and other biochemical indexes and recommendations after the treatment

Duration of treatment – 5 days

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